Bowling Pin League

  • October 14, 2017
  • 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • OSA Range


Come on out and shoot a 4 table bowling pin match on the 2nd Saturday of every month. Set-up @ 8:00 am, Safety Brief @ 8:30 am and first shots @ 9:00 am. Hit a pin and watch it fall. 22's work fine or shoot what you carry. Pistol caliber rifles are more than welcome too...
Bring at least 80 rounds, but if your good you only need 25 rounds. You can bring 20 rounds in two magazines or 3 speed loaders(18 rounds) to each table as you are called to it to shoot. 

Try to arrive early as this is a volunteer event and all help setting up and tearing down is greatly appreciated.
Cost is $10.00 and if there is enough interest a 50-50 will be drawn. All proceeds go directly to the club to help pay for  our clubs future costs and improvements."
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