Skills Practice Day

  • March 13, 2014
  • 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • At The Range
Skills Practice Day

This is your opportunity to practice and try shooting steel plates and defensive targets.
Happening on the third Thursday of each month. 8:00 am until about Noon
Feb. 20, Mar. 20, April 17

Members ONLY -- NO Fee
Gate opens at 8:00 am Shooters arrive no later than 8:15 to help set up
Safety briefing at 9:00 –mandatory for all shooters
(gate locked at 9 AM)
Plan on two steel stages, oneDefensive Pistol stage, and one bowling pins stage. One easy and one more challenging. Number of shooters (and number of SO,s) will determine how many stages will be set up. Maximum of 4 stages.
No scores to be posted. If individual shooters want a record, they shall ask another person to write down their scores for them to take home. Will be a chance to have hints and teaching, honing in competition skills and gun choices.
Shooters may shoot a different gun at each stage if they are prepared and wish to practice. However, different guns will not give them more turns. Shooting will rotate equally among shooters.
Sign up sheet will be at the range two weeks prior. We need to know how many safety officers we will need. Thanks!
Tom and Joyce Schulke organize each of these events through April.
Contact Tom or Joyce by email at

Thanks ........Tom n Joyce
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